Facility and property managers are faced with carpet maintenance decisions such as replace or clean, out source or in house and budgetary restrictions. Unless your facility is large enough to support the expense of training and maintaining personnel, acquiring and maintaining the “correct equipment” and inventorying the proper cleaning agents for your carpets, it is realistic to consider out sourcing this function.
New generations of synthetic fibers broaden the scope of carpet types in the field and many require different methods. For many of these new fibers new cleaning technology has reached the carpet cleaning professional making the carpet maintenance procedure economically efficient. Crystalline encapsulation is a technological cleaning advancement that is amazingly fast and effective in regular maintenance situations. Heavily soiled or neglected carpets would still require full on restorative cleaning initially to be followed with a maintenance program using crystalline encapsulation.
Before you replace carpets have a test area restorative cleaned. You may just find that there is life left in that carpet asset and the economic advantage of calling in National Carpet Cleaning will become apparent.